Love & Light - Now Available!

Love & Light Seascape Collection by Kristen Laczi

This collection started out strong and became stronger after finding out that my husband and I were expecting our first baby. Before starting this collection, after going through a tough season, I was on a mission to find peace and to find my flow within the universe. A couple of paintings in, a positive pregnancy test changed our life. 

For years I worried and feared that we would not get pregnant because of my ongoing health issues, but painting (especially beginning this collection) brought peace and made me realize that doing what I love not only heals myself but it can also heal others. We're all struggling with something in our lives, but surrounding yourself with encouragement, love, and light can make all difference. 

Whatever your passions may be, don't ignore that calling. Maybe you love to take photos of people, draw or dance. Pursue what you love, because it will bring you an enormous amount of peace and calm while radiating positive energy to others. 

This collection is so special to me, as it was a brand new season of healing, growth, and appreciation. My hope is that these new paintings will also inspire you to surrender your own fears, stop negative thinking and to actively seek love and light every day.