Week 14 - Summer Collection WIP
It's crazy to say it's week 14/25 of my personal art challenge. I have no idea where time is going and to be honest, I'm surprised I have stuck with this as long as I have! Going into this challenge I knew it would be tough to keep pushing forward and at times is really has been. Some days I want to paint for hours and other days I just want to rest. That's one reason why I decided to do a weekly challenge verses a daily challenge. Nothing against daily challenges but for such a long period of time, I knew it would be setting myself up for failure if I missed a day.
As week 14 comes to an end, I'm excited to see the progress of the new Summer Collection coming to life. There is a total of 8 pieces that I am totally in love with, another 4 I like and were considering, but now seeing them as a whole collection I might remove a couple and use them at a later date. Whenever I paint/work, if something doesn't feel right then I know something has to change. It's not to say the piece or situation isn't worthy of being shared but at that moment of time maybe it needs to be worked on some more, or maybe it's just not the right timing for that piece. Everything is always based on emotions and gut feelings.
This weekend I usually take time off from work but I'm thinking I need to have another power paint session. Maybe after all the craziness of hosting a Father's Day brunch will I sit outside, paint and explore some more options for this collection.
On a side note, tomorrow I will be posting another free print! This print is a sneak peak to what the Summer Collection is going to look like. Bright, colorful and tropical. I've been so inspired by our honeymoon to Hawaii that I can't stop thinking about flowers, palms and the beach! So make sure you stop back on Friday to get your free print. :-)